Kathy and Sara have covered how loved we are, that we are chosen and accepted and today they discuss redemption! The entire bible is about redemption. From before time began, we were chosen. God knew he would have to rescue us because we couldn’t rescue ourselves and He always had a plan. His plan is to redeem us. From the garden to now, we have tried to rescue ourselves but if you have been living in moralism long enough you have realized that you just can’t do it! Sara and Kathy discuss the exhaustion they reached and the realization that they couldn’t do it on their own. Many of us are in the same boat, fully aware of our need for a rescue but unsure of where to go. You are already redeemed, you just have to choose to believe it! God is calling you to surrender and allow Him to carry out the good works in you! You’ll never be able to do it and that is good news because there is a God who knows all things and created all things that loves you that began a good work in you and He will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ(Phil. 1:6)! He is ready to give you the grace to believe and mercy to step into an unknown that takes you deeper and deeper with your Father. Tune in this week to hear some good news!