Courtney and Amber discuss identity in Christ versus identity in motherhood and how easily we place our value in the perceived successes of our children. You'll hear Courtney share about losing her home to Hurricane Rita, life as a mother to a child who is an addict, and the ways God has sustained her through at all.
Masquerade of Motherhood Questions Discussed:

(1:39) Share a little of your faith journey with us. When did you begin walking with Jesus?

(9:18) You are mother to 6 and have said you spent years with your identity wrapped up in the successes and failures of motherhood. Share a little bit of what you mean by that.

(16:57) What has the journey looked like of discovering you didn't have your identity firmly rooted in Christ and how did you begin reorienting your heart and mind in Christ?

(20:43) You said, "My life has been a series of events each being unique and a testimony of Gods faithfulness in my life." One of those events was losing your home to a hurricane. How did you experience God's faithfulness in the chaos?

(29:10) Another experience you are living through as a mother is the addiction of an adult son. What has that journey been like for you and your husband?

(37:41) You have said, "I used to believe things happened to me, now I believe things happen for me to share how God can sustain you." Share a little about that shift in thinking and how that has changed how you face trials.

(44:27) Let's close with why you launched Courtney Doyle ministries and M.O.M. podcast? 

Related Episodes:

39: Jeannie Cunnion | Mom Set Free

98: Katherine James | A Son's Addiction & A Mother's Love

41: Susan Alexander Yates | Thriving in Transition

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Courtney and Amber discuss identity in Christ versus identity in motherhood and how easily we place our value in the perceived successes of our children. You'll hear Courtney share about losing her home to Hurricane Rita, life as a mother to a child who is an addict, and the ways God has sustained her through at all.

Masquerade of Motherhood Questions Discussed:
(1:39) Share a little of your faith journey with us. When did you begin walking with Jesus?
(9:18) You are mother to 6 and have said you spent years with your identity wrapped up in the successes and failures of motherhood. Share a little bit of what you mean by that.
(16:57) What has the journey looked like of discovering you didn't have your identity firmly rooted in Christ and how did you begin reorienting your heart and mind in Christ?
(20:43) You said, "My life has been a series of events each being unique and a testimony of Gods faithfulness in my life." One of those events was losing your home to a hurricane. How did you experience God's faithfulness in the chaos?
(29:10) Another experience you are living through as a mother is the addiction of an adult son. What has that journey been like for you and your husband?
(37:41) You have said, "I used to believe things happened to me, now I believe things happen for me to share how God can sustain you." Share a little about that shift in thinking and how that has changed how you face trials.
(44:27) Let's close with why you launched Courtney Doyle ministries and M.O.M. podcast? 
SHOW NOTES cont.Related Episodes:
39: Jeannie Cunnion | Mom Set Free
98: Katherine James | A Son's Addiction & A Mother's Love
41: Susan Alexander Yates | Thriving in Transition

I would love to connect with you on IG. Grace Enough on Instagram

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