FREE RESOURCE for those who have been spiritually wounded or want to better understand spiritual abuse.
Lina and Amber discuss her journey of reconstructing her faith, what we should be deconstructing, and rhythms of faith.
Fractured Faith Questions Discussed:

(2:12) Share a little of your faith journey with us. When did you begin walking with Jesus?

(12:12) You were serving as the women’s director of Harvest church when you hit a wall and so began the crumbling of the Christianity you had known up to that point. Take us back and share the story that is the starting place of your book Fractured Faith.

(18:25) Deconstruction. What do you think people mean when they say they’re deconstructing? And what do you mean?

(20:13) You write, “The key is in remembering who God really is, not who we’ve made Him to be.” That is easy to say and much harder to do, when you are untangling who God ACTUALLY is from all you’ve been taught and experienced culturally. What did that process look like for you?

(24:19) Let’s talk about trusting feelings

(33:00) One thing I love about the book is the deconstruction diagram you provide as an appendix. In that diagram there comes a point where a person goes down a path of disbelief or a path of reconstruction. Share a bit of the diagram with us and your experience in reconstructing your faith.

(37:58) Talk about the rhythms of faith.

(43:04) What do you want to say this generation that’s just struggling with the church?

(46:21) What is Living With Power ministries doing in Ukraine?


Related Episodes:

184: Amy Fritz | Untangling Faith After Ramsey Solutions

185: Katelyn Beaty | Celebrities for Jesus

186: Dr. Diane Langberg | Listening to Abuse and Trauma Survivors

106: Scot McKnight & Laura Barringer | Church Culture: Goodness vs. Abuse of Power

94: Mary DeMuth | Hope After Sexual Abuse

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FREE RESOURCE for those who have been spiritually wounded or want to better understand spiritual abuse.

Lina and Amber discuss her journey of reconstructing her faith, what we should be deconstructing, and rhythms of faith.

Fractured Faith Questions Discussed:
(2:12) Share a little of your faith journey with us. When did you begin walking with Jesus?
(12:12) You were serving as the women’s director of Harvest church when you hit a wall and so began the crumbling of the Christianity you had known up to that point. Take us back and share the story that is the starting place of your book Fractured Faith.
(18:25) Deconstruction. What do you think people mean when they say they’re deconstructing? And what do you mean?
(20:13) You write, “The key is in remembering who God really is, not who we’ve made Him to be.” That is easy to say and much harder to do, when you are untangling who God ACTUALLY is from all you’ve been taught and experienced culturally. What did that process look like for you?
(24:19) Let’s talk about trusting feelings
(33:00) One thing I love about the book is the deconstruction diagram you provide as an appendix. In that diagram there comes a point where a person goes down a path of disbelief or a path of reconstruction. Share a bit of the diagram with us and your experience in reconstructing your faith.
(37:58) Talk about the rhythms of faith.
(43:04) What do you want to say this generation that’s just struggling with the church?
(46:21) What is Living With Power ministries doing in Ukraine?


Related Episodes:
184: Amy Fritz | Untangling Faith After Ramsey Solutions
185: Katelyn Beaty | Celebrities for Jesus
186: Dr. Diane Langberg | Listening to Abuse and Trauma Survivors
106: Scot McKnight & Laura Barringer | Church Culture: Goodness vs. Abuse of Power
94: Mary DeMuth | Hope After Sexual Abuse

I would love to connect with you on IG. Grace Enough on Instagram

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