FREE Download: 10 Scripture Prayers to Calm Your Heart
Asheritah and Amber discuss Prayers of R.E.S.T., which was birthed out of a near panic attack she experienced during the first weeks of the pandemic.
Prayers of R.E.S.T. Questions Discussed:

(2:59) Share a little of your faith journey with us. When did you begin walking with Jesus?

(8:06) What gap did you notice in your own life that helped you see the need for creative tools to help women spend time in God's Word?

(14:16) One of those tools is your newest book and podcast, Prayers of R.E.S.T., that was birthed out of the pandemic. Share with us about that experience.

(28:32) REST is a prayer acronym you use. What does each letter represent?

(34:59) The Prayers of REST format is based not only on the Bible but also on brain science. Can you explain that?

(41:16) Why is there so much pressure for our prayers to sound “good”?


Resources Mentioned:

Book: Prayers of R.E.S.T. by Asheritah Ciuciu

FREE Download: 10 Scripture Prayers to Calm Your Heart

Related Episodes:

83: Chrystal Evans Hurst | Conversation with Jesus

177: Pete Greig | Hearing God's Voice

152: Sharon Garlough Brown | Spiritual Practices & Formation

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FREE Download: 10 Scripture Prayers to Calm Your Heart

Asheritah and Amber discuss Prayers of R.E.S.T., which was birthed out of a near panic attack she experienced during the first weeks of the pandemic.

Prayers of R.E.S.T. Questions Discussed:
(2:59) Share a little of your faith journey with us. When did you begin walking with Jesus?
(8:06) What gap did you notice in your own life that helped you see the need for creative tools to help women spend time in God's Word?
(14:16) One of those tools is your newest book and podcast, Prayers of R.E.S.T., that was birthed out of the pandemic. Share with us about that experience.
(28:32) REST is a prayer acronym you use. What does each letter represent?
(34:59) The Prayers of REST format is based not only on the Bible but also on brain science. Can you explain that?
(41:16) Why is there so much pressure for our prayers to sound “good”?


Resources Mentioned:
Book: Prayers of R.E.S.T. by Asheritah Ciuciu
FREE Download: 10 Scripture Prayers to Calm Your Heart
Related Episodes:
83: Chrystal Evans Hurst | Conversation with Jesus
177: Pete Greig | Hearing God's Voice
152: Sharon Garlough Brown | Spiritual Practices & Formation

I would love to connect with you on IG. Grace Enough on Instagram

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