Free Resource: 8 Books That Were Influential In Ways That Surprised Me
Jennifer Hand and Amber discuss her new book, My Yes Is On the Table: Moving From Fear to Faith. Jenn walks the listener through her experience of God calling her away from her life as a career missionary and how she surrenders her fear and walks forward in faith.  
Fear Stops to Faith Steps Questions:

(5:08) Take us back and share your experience of becoming a career missionary.

(9:15) You came home, as the title of your books says, you put your yes on the table. What next? 

(11:32) You wrote, "I am afraid of success in ministry or relationships because it adds a weight of expectation, and sometimes I am afraid that it will require more than I want to give...I am afraid of failure because failure says to me I am not enough; I cannot live up to the expectation; I should not have tried." After realizing you were afraid of both success and failure, what helped you move from a place of paralysis to moving forward?

(17:18) You have literally stood on the edge of the Promised Land during one of your trips to the Middle East. What did God reveal to you in that moment?

(25:01) A busy schedule does not equal glorifying God, so when you say live with your YES on the table, what do you mean?

(31:35) Share one of your funny stories with us and what God taught you.

(36:02) Let's close with one of God's grace markers in your life.

Resources Mentioned:

Book: My Yes is On The Table by Jennifer Hand

Coming Alive Ministries

LuoPad Ministry

Related Episodes:

121: Vivian Mabuni | Willing Hands, Willing Heart

79: Amy Carroll | Sharing Your God Story

32: Heather Dixon | Equipping Women for Courageous Living

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Free Resource: 8 Books That Were Influential In Ways That Surprised Me

Jennifer Hand and Amber discuss her new book, My Yes Is On the Table: Moving From Fear to Faith. Jenn walks the listener through her experience of God calling her away from her life as a career missionary and how she surrenders her fear and walks forward in faith.  

Fear Stops to Faith Steps Questions:
(5:08) Take us back and share your experience of becoming a career missionary.
(9:15) You came home, as the title of your books says, you put your yes on the table. What next? 
(11:32) You wrote, "I am afraid of success in ministry or relationships because it adds a weight of expectation, and sometimes I am afraid that it will require more than I want to give...I am afraid of failure because failure says to me I am not enough; I cannot live up to the expectation; I should not have tried." After realizing you were afraid of both success and failure, what helped you move from a place of paralysis to moving forward?

(17:18) You have literally stood on the edge of the Promised Land during one of your trips to the Middle East. What did God reveal to you in that moment?
(25:01) A busy schedule does not equal glorifying God, so when you say live with your YES on the table, what do you mean?
(31:35) Share one of your funny stories with us and what God taught you.
(36:02) Let's close with one of God's grace markers in your life.
SHOW NOTES cont. Resources Mentioned:
Book: My Yes is On The Table by Jennifer Hand
Coming Alive Ministries
LuoPad Ministry
Related Episodes:
121: Vivian Mabuni | Willing Hands, Willing Heart
79: Amy Carroll | Sharing Your God Story
32: Heather Dixon | Equipping Women for Courageous Living

I would love to connect with you on IG. Grace Enough on Instagram

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