What are the exact steps your business needs to take in order to win government contracts? If you've ever ask yourself that question, then this is the episode for you.

Our team is very excited to announce that the software tool we've been designing for selling to the government has finally been released.

GovClose is a integration of CRM, Pipeline, Government Contract Strategies and Training.

In this podcast episode, we're covering the pipelines that you can choose from in GovClose and how each one is built on a specific strategy that will walk you step by step from identifying opportunities to closing government contracts.

So whether you're a reseller, an integrator, a subcontractor or if you're selling software as a service or hunting for SBIR contracts, there is a pipeline for each one of those strategies and many more.

This is a great episode, and I think you'll gain a lot of insight as to the specific steps it takes to sell to the government and what a tool like a GovClose can do for you.

Check out GovClose at: https://govclose.com/