Previous Episode: Giggles That Jiggle
Next Episode: God Says FebBRRRuary

Valentine's Day is coming. That's a big deal around here. In some places it's not. I guess like a lot of things, it depends on the context. The context here is that my Lady Wonder Wench seriously disrupts the estrogen level for most of this zip code. When she walks around in her two piece...which is what I call her bedroom slippers...I often lose control of my eyebrows, my ears, my fingers, and many of my other parts, and I am...for a short period of time...once again...Lifeguard Man. So I'm sitting here in my big, comfortable, black leather poppa chair in my living room, scratching my head...which feels good by the way...trying to think of a new and better way to put how I feel about my Lady Wonder Wench into a Valentine's Day context.