Previous Episode: The Whistle Missile
Next Episode: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

I'm sitting here in my big, comfortable, black leather poppa chair in my living room, watching my Lady Wonder Wench the fact that I may never again be able to get up from my big, comfortable black leather poppa chair...because I've had my first real work out at the gym since we moved here...which was a long time ago. Actually all I did was swim in their 25 meter long pool. I did 800 meters. And I now have a real appreciation for the difference between a yard and a meter. A meter is approximately 6 miles longer than a yard.
I need to put this in context for you. I was, in my "yout"...which is the Brooklyn word meaning young person...the chief lifeguard at Coney Island's Section 4. I that time...I was...I believe the term is...ripped. There were days when I had paperwork to do in the lifeguard shack, but I felt that it was my duty to go for a stroll along the beach because I looked so good. That was then. This is now. I realized yesterday that I have spent a little too much time in my poppa chair...because when I went to stand up and tighten my belt...for an agonizing few seconds...I couldn't find it. And when I did tighten it, I felt like I was all of a sudden two inches taller.