Previous Episode: Takin' One For The Team
Next Episode: Your Mental See-Saw

I have a confession to make. Sometimes I get up in the middle of the night, and sit here in my big, comfortable black leather pappa chair in the living room, and I sneak a look at my Lady Wonder Wench's what is probably a futile attempt to learn something...anything...about women. When I'm trying to figure out what's going on in a woman's mind about a situation, It could give an asprin a headache it's so confusing.
For example, here's a statistic that says 6 out of 7 women wear clothes to bed. Why do you people do that? One of the great lines in the classic Elizabeth Taylor/Richard Burton Cleopatra movie is when Cleo is giving Ceasar a hard time about his wife, and she says, "I hear your wife even wears clothes to bed." I suppose it's ok if you're a kid, and you're used to wearing your jammies to bed...but if you're a grown up Louie-Louie Generation must have figured out by now that you shouldn't be in bed with somebody you shouldn't be in bed with. And if you ARE in bed with somebody you shouldn't be in bed with, why the heck would you be wearing clothes ? Unless of course we're talking about something from Victoria's Secret...which is a whole different idea.