Next Episode: Woman Worries

Thank you for dropping in here on my podcast. I really enjoy your company. I'm sitting here in my big, comfortable, black leather poppa chair in my living room trying to figure out how to explain why a guy wants to become a disc jockey, because I have to tell you about a wonderful thing that happened to me. Clint Eastwood understood that guys want to become disc jockeys mainly to get girls. That's why he loved starring in and directing "Play Misty For Me" all those years ago. If you're too young to remember, Jessica Walter was the young lovely, purring on the phone… "Dave, please play Misty for me." Every time the request line rings (it doesn't actually ring, it lights up), every disc jockey I've ever known gets a quick vision of a scantily clad young lovely, slowly flexing her long, tapered legs and licking her lips, just waiting to breathe her request into his ear. There is no other reason for a young guy to want to become a disc jockey. Until you get to the big time, the money stinks. Especially for a late night disc jockey. And the amazing thing is that often the vision of the lady involved is reasonably accurate. Not always, but more often than you might think.