Previous Episode: Some Summer's Solo Sleaze
Next Episode: Ray Ban PIlots

Thanks for dropping in here on my podcast. I like your company. I'm sitting here my big, comfortable, manly, black leather poppa chair in my living room. It's good to relax. Among other things, it's a defense against lots of nasty stuff. Big nasties and little nasties. Sometimes when they really pile up, the little nasties start looking like the big ones, and we lose sight of the fact that the Lord wants us be relaxed and happy...otherwise he wouldn't have given all of us...except politicians, a sense of humor...and some friends who don't mind when you play practical jokes on them. That's not being nasty, that's having fun.
Here's what I mean. I was looking all over the place for a missing sock the other day. That's irritating. It's a small nasty when you have one sock and you're looking for the other one. Then I I asked myself, "Self...why should you suffer looking for the other sock?" And my self answered, "You're right. That's foolish. Take your sock over to your buddy Al's house, and give him your missing sock problem." So I did. I went over to Al's house, and while my Lady Wonder Wench was talking with Al and his wife Jean, I excused myself and went into Al's bathroom and slipped my sock into his laundry basket. I figured let him go nuts looking for the other one.