Previous Episode: The Nasties
Next Episode: The Woman Whisperer

I'm sitting here in my big, comfortable, black, leather Poppa chair in my living room relaxing. It feels good to relax. Just a little while ago I was sitting in the left front seat of my little airplane, running a checklist to go flying with my buddy Jon. That felt good too. Jon is a flight instructor, and he runs the little airport where I keep my plane. He's also been a friend for a long time.
John went flying with me to check me out for a BFR. A BFR is a biannual flight review. Every two years small plane pilots like me have to prove to a flight instructor that we probably won't crash too often. If I didn't pass the test, even though he's my friend, Jon would have had to take away my Ray Ban sun glasses. That would have been cruel, And John knows it.
Because he is also a small plane pilot, and he shares some of our small plane pilot flight fantasies involving Ray Bans. For example in one of our fantasies, a beautiful, but obviously stressed out flight attendant gets on the PA system and she says, "Both the pilots have become ill. Is there another pilot on board" At which point Mr. Small Plane pilot stands up, and using the deepest voice he can manage, he says, "I'll handle this miss." He then puts on his Ray Bans, and strides into the cockpit.
It doesn't matter if it's midnight, those Ray Bans go on. And of course regardless of the fact that there's a hurricane, an earthquake, and a volcanic eruption going on all around him, Mr. Small Plane Pilot puts that big bird down safely of the which point Catherine Zeta Jones who happens to be seated in first class rushes up to him and thoroughly fogs up his Ray Bans. Hey...even small plane pilots are entitled to our fantasies.