Previous Episode: She Said NOTHING!
Next Episode: Winter

Toys are more important than you think. They help protect us from the big, bad, boredom bully. A toy is a just for having fun. Having fun is good. And people who have fun, are usually fun to be around. They are never boring, because they never get bored. That's important.
Boredom is a big bully. It beats people up more than YOU can possibly imagine... because the kind of people who listen to this podcast...may have lots of problems...but boredom...probably isn't one of them.
Now there is a clear distinction between a tool and a toy. A tool is something you need. A toy is something you want, so you pretend it's a tool to give you an excuse to get it. A toy is not something you're going to just show a 20 pound gold plated cufflink. That kind of thing is not a toy. I'd call it more of an ego expander.