Previous Episode: GiggleBites All Over
Next Episode: Sr. Mary Knucklebuster

This podcast has been going on for a few years now. And lots of you proud podcast participants have been kind enough to send me stories about how you spent your summers.
Betsy really nailed it about the Loser's bedtime story. She said, "It reminded me of something my dad said just before he died. He used to take us on summer trips every year. One year he said he couldn't afford a motel any more, and we'd have to camp out if we wanted to go. That was the best summer trip we ever took."
Carole said, We lived near Yankee Stadium in a 4 story walk up that got the afternoon sun. So to cool off we'd sit out on the fire escape and listen to the roar from the Stadium. And when Carol heard about my lifeguard adventure with Matilda, she said, "I did my share of the cross - chest carry as a Water Safety instructor, and I'm with you. It's very easy to have a 2 piece bathing suit malfunction in surf when performing a rescue. It's not like you were administering un-necessary mouth to mouth on her!" (I hope you're listening Lady Wonder Wench.)
Dick B said, "I remember just sitting on the stoop with my friends, watching the world go by, till the ice cream truck came. We called the guy Jolly because he was always so grumpy. How do we slow things down like they were then." Hey Dick, I guess we don't.