Previous Episode: Summer Lovin
Next Episode: A Hill Called Helen

I was standing in front of a class room packed with my peers, calmly confessing to worshiping false Gods, disrespecting my parents, and murder. Suddenly, the word, "RICHARD" rang out loud and clear in the un-mistakable voice of my first communion teacher, Sister Mary Knucklebuster. Sister Knucklebuster was a female version of General George Patton. And she was presiding over a class rehearsal for first confession. It was my turn to stand in front of the room, and recite the famous formula..."Bless me father for I have sinned." I was 7 years old, and sister knew that in order to come up for material to confess, I was going down The Moses Top Ten No-No List. That means after confessing to murder, which was number five, I was about to confess to adultery, and coveting my neighbor's wife.