I don't have a smartphone. My Lady Wonder Wench and I have the last dumb phones in our zip code. All they do is make phone calls. I like the fact that other people's smart phones can't text me, because I like sitting here in my big, comfortable, manly, black leather poppa chair in my living room, just entertaining myself with visions of sugar plums and my Lady Wonder Wench dancing in my head. Like most Louie Louie Generation guys who have real flesh and blood lives, I really don't need to have my phone constantly connected to every other phone or computer in the world like the Pimple People and the Dreary Drones. I am not bored with my flesh and blood life. There's obviously a lot to be said for the virtual reality world. And I go to the movies, I watch UTube stuff, & I love to read books. But I'm a steak and potatoes guy and there's no way I'm going to let some virtual reality eat away at the flesh and blood life I love. I guess you could call this non-virtual reality my "Meat Reality."