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Thank you for dropping in here on my podcast, because I can use some friendly company. It looks like I've become an adult. When did that happen? And how can I make it stop? I'm sitting here in my big, manly, comfortable black leather poppa chair in my living room, hiding from another birthday. In my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot, Big Louie, the head guy of the Louie Louie Generation says, "There are 3 ages of mankind. Youth, middle age, and "My you look good." So now I have to look good on an every-day basis?
I really can't complain I suppose, because I know I asked for it. Last time I saw Dr. Charles about the aches and pains he said, "I can't make you any younger you know." I told him, "I'm not interested in being younger. I want to get older." So here I am. Thank heavens they haven't discontinued my blood type yet. I find I'm relying more and more on Big Louie's advice. "Age and treachery will always defeat youth and skill," he says. That's encouraging. And of course I always keep his biggie in mind. "If you have any moving parts left, for crying out loud, MOVE 'EM." He says, "The fountain of youth is between your ears." I like that too, because over the years, my body has basically become a transportation system for getting my head from one place to another.
I guess it's appropriate that I put my old body in an old car. And my car is old. It's insured against fire, theft, and King George's men. Any time I'm driving I check to see that I've got my license, my registration, and the bus schedule. Seriously for a moment, I want to thank so many of you who sent me email happy birthday wishes. It was kind of neat.