How much is your money really worth? Currency devaluation means that as the value of a currency decreases, the buying power of money decreases too. So, how do you protect your investments from devaluation, inflation and other economic crises? Ari Pine is a financial trader who has a deep interest in macroeconomics. We discuss the possibility of a global inflation and how governments get themselves in and out of difficult financial situations. Ari explains the difference between a financial bubble and inflation. He eases listeners’ fears about currency devaluation and offers an investment strategy called a “permanent portfolio” as a possible solution. The concept of a permanent portfolio was developed by Harry Browne. To learn more about it, read Harry Browne’s book Fail-Safe Investing: Lifelong Financial Security in 30 Minutes, and discuss with your financial advisor whether his recommendations may be appropriate for you.

Should you invest in bonds?

Many investors who want steady income choose to invest in the bond market. Is buying a bond or a bond-fund right for you? Here’s a list of questions you should ask if you are considering investing in bonds. Learn about the types of bonds, the quality of bonds, and the length of bonds an investor should consider. Before you make a bond purchase, download this free resource. Also, watch a short clip called Strategies Overseas Retirees Need to Handle a Multi-Currency Lifestyle for international investors. Free Download: 7 Questions to Ask Before You Invest in Bonds To learn more about Ari Pine visit his website or follow him on Twitter. If you’re not already receiving updates on new episodes, sign up now, and as a special bonus, receive Doug’s free ebook The Retirement Planning Book.

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