If you are one of the millions of people who live outside of America and have an American brokerage account, you are a cross-border investor. Despite the scale of cross-border investing, many Americans living abroad find their American brokerage firms asking them to close their investment accounts because they have a foreign address. Fortunately, there are financial institutions dedicated to help cross-border investors. David Kuenzi is the founder of Thun Financial Advisors, an American brokerage firm specializing in cross-border investing. As a Certified Financial Planner David understands the need expats have for cross-border investment advice. David explains why the FBAR is so important for international tax compliance, and suggests looking at your investments as more than just a currency value. Listen for insights as to what cross-border investors should do with their money.

Chess can make you a better investor

During Doug’s time writing Rich as King with Grandmaster Susan Polgar, he noticed some “grandmaster” moves that dovetailed with smart financial planning. Doug has created a one-page resource called Use These 3 Secrets from Chess to Become a Grandmaster of Your Money, download it for free. To learn more about how to use chess strategies to improve your portfolio’s performance, read Rich as a King: How the Wisdom of Chess Can Make You a Grandmaster of Investing. Free Download: Use These 3 Secrets from Chess to Become a Grandmaster of Your Money To learn more about David Kuenzi, CFP®, visit the Thun Financial Advisors’ website. If you’re not already receiving updates on new episodes, sign up now, and as a special bonus, receive Doug’s free ebook The Retirement Planning Book.