Audrey Holst has traveled through a myriad of work environments including dog walker, yoga instructor, owned a yoga studio, corporate lackey, and it didn’t matter what the job or environment was…there was the element of burnout – so much so that it started making her physically sick.

Since then, Audrey has become absolutely passionate in advocating for our nervous systems and providing tools and support for helping us identify and move through burnout.

ALL of us have experienced burnout at one time or another but society has told us to keep going, produce more, be FINE when we are in fact, not very fine at all. In this episode, Audrey shares warning signs that burnout is either nipping at your heals or full on wreaking havoc on your nervous system AND ways to help you through the burnout.

Don’t think you have burnout? I dare you to listen in and learn how burnout may be showing up in your life in sneaky ways.


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Instagram: jenvertanen
Facebook: jenvertanen
Clubhouse: @jenvertanen

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And if you're finding yourself fairly checked-out and are ready to check all the eff way back in? Let's explore if coaching is a good fit for you! My tell-it-like-it-is mama-bearness may be just the thing you need to make the progress towards a life you love the 💩 out of.