Like me, Jen Pavich became a mom before she was ready and like me, Jen had some fairly traumatic events in her life that molded and shaped her. Pile on top of that a bout of homelessness, societal and patriarchal expectations and you have one helluva story. Also? We all need a friend like Jen’s Melissa – someone to give us a good kick in the pants and poke fun at our myriad quirks.

Jen likes to say she’s lived at least five lives from becoming a young single parent, homelessness, massively different career reinventions, and so much more. Jen shares with us her stories of trying to be the perfect mom, her journey through personal development and why she’s a passionate feminist and life coach working to make paradigm shifts with the existing power structures at play in our society. And oh how we are fucked up as a society! We need more Jens!


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Facebook: jenvertanen
Clubhouse: @jenvertanen

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And if you're finding yourself fairly checked-out and are ready to check all the eff way back in? Let's explore if coaching is a good fit for you! My tell-it-like-it-is mama-bearness may be just the thing you need to make the progress towards a life you love the 💩 out of.