The parallels between diet culture and the “traditional ways” women are taught to engage with money are too plentiful.

Over the years of working with women on intuitive eating and body image, it has become evident to me that working on a money mindset was the next step for my clients.

I myself have had to do a lot of unlearning about finances and money from my years of training in the corporate world, and most recently, I have begun budgeting my personal finances.

Diet-culture-free budgeting 

Today on the podcast, I am interviewing an expert on this exact topic, Chelsea Hester-Bradt. She is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Certified YNAB Budget Coach with a masters degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

She supports clients in moving away from shame and "shoulds" towards a more compassionate and flexible relationship with food, their body, and finances.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode: The surprising parallels between diet culture and traditional budgeting methods A new way to think and engage with money How to use YNAB to change your relationship to money Mentioned in the show:

FREE YNAB Workshop from Chelsea

Undiet Your Life Program

Non-Diet Coaching Certification

Connect with our guest:

Website - Chelsea Hester-Bradt

Instagram - Chelsea Hester-Bradt