Previous Episode: 250-The Black Outfit
Next Episode: 252-Righteous Eating

Unlearning Diet Culture as a mom

It’s in our human DNA to seek autonomy as we become adults. To be independent and self- sufficient; without having to fit someone’s expectations but our own. To be ourselves.

I mean as parents our role is to raise little humans to be autonomous, right?

But Diet Culture gets in the way of our autonomy as women. It tells us what to eat, how to move, and what size and shape our bodies should be.

You and I do not have to live our lives according to diet culture's rules and expectations. Decide to opt-out, totally up to you.

You can stay, or you can say: HELL NO!

This is what Mandy decided to do. Mandy is a 40's years old mother of 2 who decided to change her reality.

You'll hear her share her journey unlearning diet culture as a mom from the beginning to the end.

On today's episode, you'll learn: The 5 steps to unlearning diet culture How she was raised in a family that dieted After the birth of her kids eating & dieting took a turn for the worse "I hit rock bottom when I didn't allow my kids to touch me" The journey towards food freedom was gradual and healing The changes that happened beyond the food: The relationship with her husband expanded She got her sexy back! Now she can cuddle with her kids She now has her dream job! Mentioned on the show:

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Conquer & Thrive