This is Part 2 of 2. Part 1 can be accessed here

Do you want to lose weight? 

If so, you are not alone. I was there for many years along with millions of other women just like you.  

The truth is 91% of women are unhappy about their body and seek weight loss as a solution. 

First, let’s level up on one fundamental point: No one wakes up one morning wanting to be fat, carry extra weight or not be able to lose weight. 

It’s a basic human need to be accepted by our tribe and peers, therefore to be “normal”. 

All we want to be “normal”, we want to be confident in our body and image.  We are ready to do, what needs to get done to feel “normal” in our body.  

For most of us in this community, this desire to be “normal weight” has gone one of two ways: we did lose weight at some point but it didn’t “stick” OR we haven’t yet attempted to lose weight because we are so afraid of failure and change.  

Why is it that we can’t do what we deeply desire?

That’s what we will cover in this 2-part podcast series: episode 173-175. 

In this episode I discuss What you need to consider in your desire to lose weight Why do we want to lose weight Does Thinness equals Happiness?  How I changed my relationship to food from overeating, binging and emotional eating to food freedom

Last episode I talked about the elephant in the room... yes, I talked about weight loss. If you're one of those women who wanna lose weight, 

you are not alone. I was there for many years along with millions of other women just like you.  

The truth is 91% of women are unhappy about their body and seek weight loss as a solution. It’s a basic human need to be accepted by our tribe and peers, therefore to be “normal”. 

All we want to be “normal”, we want to be confident in our body and image.  We are ready to do what needs to get done to feel “normal” in our body. For most of us in this community, this desire to be “normal weight” has gone one of two ways: we did lose weight at some point but it didn’t “stick” OR we haven’t yet attempted to lose weight because we are so afraid of failure and change.  

Why is it that we can’t do what we deeply desire? Curious? You gotta listen to this episode. Click here!

Leave me a review, if you enjoy the show and would love to encourage and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link, click here. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like a fuel... and I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! 

Here's a quick tutorial on How to leave a review.   

  Links mentioned in the episode

Going Beyond the Food Academy - Coaching Program

NEW- Live Workshop Registration

Readiness Assessment for Academy program - Quiz

Health At Every Size studies

Book - Intuitive Eating studies

Journal of Obesity study on impact of body image perception

So You Wanna Lose Weight - Part 1 can be accessed here

  Submit a question for the next episode

If you want to submit a question for Stephanie's next episode, click here and join our free and private community.

  Reach Stephanie 






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