Body Confidence

The journey to body confidence and peace with food and body image is possible and quickly achievable if you...

If you get committed and invest in yourself!

Commitment is the biggest component of the process. Commitment to YOU via commitment to your time, mental headspace, physical space, boundaries and financial.

Erin, a graduate from the Going Beyond The Food Academy Fall 2018 is sharing her inspirational journey with us which started with commitment... For her, it was commitment to not letting her fear get in the way of her transformation.

For Erin, the transformation led her to have peace of mind and body confidence... and yes, peace with food. She is now on her way to healing other parts of her life seeking the next best version of herself.

In this episode I discuss Erin's inspirational journey Going Beyond the Food What's on the other side of taking this journey of undieting your life and Going Beyond the Food The possibilities of tweaking your relationship to food and to your body from a place of peace, love and compassion

Last episode I talked about how we set goals for the year in the Going Beyond the Food Academy.  And yes, we do it differently... probably something you're never head before. In fact, we don’t seek weight loss, more money or a new house... Instead, we chase how we think we’re going to feel when we “get there”. We chase our Desired Feelings... because what’s really behind all “regular goals” is wanting to feel a certain way... We chase weight loss to be accepted, to be beautiful in the eyes of others, to not feel marginalized by society, to feel sexy.

I also explained the difference between motivation and inspiration and my top 3 tips to bring inspiration into your life and to hold the vision all year.

Get ready to hear some of my favorite inspirational quotes, too! Click here!

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