The biggest secret the food industry doesn't want you to know about your food... that is what Going Beyond The Food is all about. Going Beyond The Food means understanding vibrational frequency. You are vibrating right now, so is your liver and your brain, so is whoever is sitting next to you. The words that you speak have vibration. The food you eat has a vibration frequency.

Food Energetic Frequencies

The food that you choose can have an impact on your over-all vibrational frequency. Your level of vibration is fundamental to being happy and supercharged in your health, your work, and your relationships. Hence, it's important for us to understand how food energetic frequencies work. In her new book, Vibe, Robyn Openshaw, also known as the Green Smoothie Girl, is going to demonstrate to us that if we live at a higher vibration, we're healthier and happier. And she'll teach us how to achieve it! 

Last week's episode, Anna Margolis Holistic midwife and I discussed the impacts of pregnancy and birthing experience to how we live today and our relationship to food and yes, our cravings!  I suggest you check it out!" You can listen to the episode here

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes  to subscribe so we can freshly deliver new episode directly to your device every time we release a new episode.  

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The Crave Cure:   


Safe Skin Care–Beauty Counter: 

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