Winston Churchill

It's Goal Getting Quote of the Day time! Hi, this is Tony Woodall, your host for Goal Getting Podcast and the Goal Getting  Quote of the Day. I hope you are enjoying these quotes. I enjoy finding good quotes that get to me and mean something. A good quote can help keep you motivated and inspire us to Get The Goals We Set!

Increase Your Income

Thanks for listening friends. I love to work with people that want to improve their selves. When you set goals you enter a journey to a greater you. I am working with one of my Goal Getting Coaching Clients to help her double her income in 24 months. She is a Goal Getter and is dedicated to taking the action steps we set up to take her to the next level. If you want to increase your income by double, 3, 4 or even 10 Times like I have since I developed and started using the Goal Getting program, Subscribe to Goal Getting Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher or go to Goal Getting every day and learn from me and my guests how you can Get The Goals You Set.

Part of getting your goals is staying motivated and inspired! When you know your Why, you can stay motivated. When you hear a great quote, you can get and stay inspired.

Richard Branson

Today's Quote of the Day is another in our Opportunity Series. I started sharing the top 10 Quotes on Opportunity that Richard Branson loves. Richard Branson inspires me. He is a philanthropist, entrepreneur and a humanitarian. A man that when he is offered an amazing opportunity, he says YES, even though he may not know how to do it. As he says, he can learn to do it later. That belief is evident in the many goals he has achieved with his Virgin brands.

Churchill says

Winston Churchill is the person that has offered this quote:

"A Pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an Optimist see the opportunity in every difficulty."

A very profound quote, it talks about the quintessential battle between optimism and pessimism! What is a difficulty and what is an opportunity. Another man's trash is another man's treasure. Half-Full versus Half-empty.

Well they are one in the same. Difficulty breeds opportunity. So many of the things we have today are here because someone had a difficulty. The sad part is, we many have seen that difficulty, watched the people with the difficulty, may have even had that difficulty ourselves. Yet, we just acknowledged it being difficult or complained about it. Someone saw the difficulty and saw, then created the solution. They took the Opportunity to Act and Create and Solve the difficulty.

[bctt tweet="A Pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an Optimist see the opportunity in every difficulty. -- Winston Churchill"]

They Are Rich!

Now, today, we are better off, we have less or no difficulty in that area at all. We are content. THEY ARE RICH!

How do you see Difficulty? Do you see the opportunity in every difficulty?


Do you just see the difficulty in everything.

Don't be pessimistic or optimistic - Be Opportunistic!

Create opportunity where there is difficulty. Create Wealth!

Create something Good!



I get a lot of my quotes from great books that I read. And if you like to listen to books on Audio like I do, I put together a deal with Audible to give Goal Getting Podcast listeners a FREE Audiobook of your choice AND a 30 Day Trial of Audibles service to try them out.

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