Judith McNaught

Hello Goal Getters!
We're here today on our Quote of the Day to help you Stay Motivated and Get Inspired. I do that by listening to those that have done what I want to do.  I also love quotes and I wanted to share some motivating and inspirational quotes from people that have motivated and inspired me.

Today's Quote of the day is following on our Opportunity Theme. Richard Branson shared his 10 favorite quotes on
opportunity and I am sharing them with you.

[bctt tweet="You can't outwit fate by standing on the sidelines placing little side bets about the outcome of life - If you don't play you can't win." Judith McNaught"]

Judith McNaught is not someone I knew before I saw this quote that Richard Branson shared. Judith McNaught is a New York Times Best Selling Author! As an author with an eBook on Amazon.com, I know this is a great accomplishment. I think that is important to know when you listen to Judith's Quote.  She is an Opportunity seeker and a person of action. You have to be to get on the New York Times Best Seller List.

Judith tells us:

You can't outwit fate by standing on the sidelines placing little side bets about the outcome of life - If you don't play you can't win."

Do you know any of those people that just sit or stand around watching while others are doing things. They stand on the sidelines of your life, placing wagers,

"Oh, he'll never do that, he's too old. I bet he fails."

"What does she know about that, I bet she fall on her face."

Do you do that to yourself. Do you get ready to call someone to set up an appointment to show them your product and then say to yourself,

"I bet they won't be interested. I shouldn't even bother calling."  "Oh, I bet I will mess up this deal."

Don't Listen to Them

First, Don't listen to those people! And, more importantly Don't listen to you! Don't let your own mind place those side bets.

I loved to watch the TV Show "In It To Win It" with Guy Fieri. The catch phrase was "You Gotta Be In it To Win It!"
and that is what Judith is saying in this quote.

You Gotta Be In It To Win It! was the phrase used by Guy Fieri on the TV Game Show - In It To Win It.

Be In It To Win It

If you want to win, you have to play. Placing the side bets that stop you from acting on your goals will not make you

successful at that you want to do. If you want to Win, You have to Play first. Get out there on the field, Do the things that it takes to Win and You Will WIN!

I hope this quote will inspire you to keep playing and working on your goals.  Don't stand on the sidelines. Play and Play to Win.

Go out today, Be In It to Win It, If you don't play, you can't win. Leave the sidelines for your cheerleaders and the photographers. Be in the Game!

This is Tony Woodall, you host for Goal Getting Podcast. Subscribe to and listen to our Weekly show that posts every

Wednesday, and our Quote of the Day. I would love to hear from you and find out what you think of the Podcast and the

Quote of the Day. Who has been your favorite guest so far? You can leave them a comment on their show notes page.

I mentioned my eBook on Amazon.com. If you want to get 9 Steps To Successful Goal Achievement, you can get the link to it by clicking on the link on the right Sidebar. >>>>>Over Here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I get a lot of my quotes from great books that I read. And if you like to listen to books on Audio like I do, I put together a deal with Audible to give Goal Getting Podcast listeners a FREE Audiobook of your choice AND a 30 Day Trial of Audibles service to try them out.

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