Oprah Winfrey

Click Below to Listen to Today's Show



I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others as a service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.

~~ Oprah Winfrey

A personal calling. . . What is yours? Oprah recognized this truth early on and has provided her calling as a service to others and it has enhanced many lives, including her own.

An AHA Moment

I've said before that I recently experienced an "Aha Moment" where I felt I wasn't doing what I loved or following "My Calling".  Feeling totally depressed, lost and wondering why I was doing what I was doing, I started thinking about what made me happy in all of my "careers".  What did I love to do. What was my calling?

I had picked up a copy of Jeff Goins' book, The Art of Work. Jeff discusses finding your calling in it. Pick it up and read it. There's a link at the bottom of the show notes page on Goal Getting Podcast.com / qod97.

Yes, it's an affiliate link and I will earn a couple dollars if you order it. It's part of that providing a service piece Oprah talks about in her quote.

[amazon template=image&chan=goalgettingpodcast&asin=0718022076]

I Am Happy When

It hit me that I was most happy when:

I was teaching martial arts classes
I was developing training and training customers on software.
I was attending networking events.
I was helping local businesses grow their business.
I was building my social media presence.
I was creating a podcast ( I started my first podcast in 2004 )
I was working at growing communities that I was involved in.
I was mentoring team members and people that want to better themselves.

I could go on, but I hope you see the pattern developing. I had to sit down and think and start developing my life to do what I loved and provide a service.

Once I realized my calling and set the goal to change careers to do what I love, things started to fall into place. I started my podcast to share the Goal Achievement Success System I put together and teach people how to Get The Goals They Set. I've started working on creating an online course for the same program.

I mentioned in earlier episodes that I recently changed careers to Internal Community Manager for my company. I now get to do everything that I love, teach, mentor, do social media, blog, all rolled into one position. I am even discussing working with our company to incorporate internal podcasts.

What's Your Personal Calling

The truth is, when I graduated high school I wanted to be a Teacher.  I didn't know how to do that. I was told I couldn't afford to go to college by my family. I was told I wasn't college material. I think the most important thing I thought was Teachers don't make too much money. I wanted a career making money.

The other day I was editing a blog from one of our executives. He was sharing his Best Advice I've Ever Received and it was, "Don't do it for the money." I should have learned that earlier in life.  I can do what I want and still make the money. Especially Today!

. . . the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others as a service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.

Great advice from Oprah! What is your Personal Calling?

Sit down and think about about in. Write down the times when you have been the most happy, the most fulfilled, what were you doing at that time?

If you have a hard time figuring it out, let me know. Email me at [email protected] and we can chat.

I'm sorry I've taken this episode longer than I usually do, but I think it's important to understand what Oprah said in the quote and that you understand how important it is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others as a service, then WORK HARD and also allow the energy or the universe lead you. It won't do it for you, but it will lead you and provide opportunities.

Go Out and Discover Yourself! Go Out Today and be a Service to Others.
Go Out and Make Today a Great Day!



Are you a Goal Getter that wants to learn to Master Goal Getting!  We've started a private Facebook Group to have a place for you to meet other like-minded, Goal-Oriented people that will support you and help you Get The Goals You Set.

If you want to be a part of the Goal Getting Masters Group, go to Goal Getting Podcast.com / masters

Sign up and I will add you to the group. Come prepared to participate and share your goals with other Goal Getters.

Thanks for listening to Goal Getting Quote of the Day. If you like this or any of the Quotes, please leave a comment.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

If you like our podcast you can easily go Subscribe to our show on iTunes at


or Subscribe to us on Jabbercast

at GoalGettingPodcast.com/jabbercast

The new Jabbercast App is the best listening experience for podcasts. Check it out.


Please follow us below on your favorite social media channel.  We would love to hear from you there, too. Send us a Tweet, or Instagram Like.

You can connect with us on your favorite by going to GoalGettingPodcast.com / and then Twitter or Facebook, or Instagram

They will easily take you to the social media platforms and make it easy to follow us.

QUICK & EASY - Click here to go leave a review on iTunes

I get a lot of my quotes from great books that I read. And if you like to listen to books on Audio like I do, I put together a deal with Audible to give Goal Getting Podcast listeners a FREE Audiobook of your choice AND a 30 Day Trial of Audible's service to try them out.

Just click the link in the Blue Box to get to the Audible sign up!

Get Your Free Audiobook Here

Hi, I would love to know what you think of the show. Do you enjoy these Quote of the Day segments? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Make Today a Great Day!

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Tony Woodall, Your Host at @TonyWCMB

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Oprah Winfrey

Click Below to Listen to Today's Show



I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others as a service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.

~~ Oprah Winfrey

A personal calling. . . What is yours? Oprah recognized this truth early on and has provided her calling as a service to others and it has enhanced many lives, including her own.

An AHA Moment

I've said before that I recently experienced an "Aha Moment" where I felt I wasn't doing what I loved or following "My Calling".  Feeling totally depressed, lost and wondering why I was doing what I was doing, I started thinking about what made me happy in all of my "careers".  What did I love to do. What was my calling?

I had picked up a copy of Jeff Goins' book, The Art of Work. Jeff discusses finding your calling in it. Pick it up and read it. There's a link at the bottom of the show notes page on Goal Getting Podcast.com / qod97.

Yes, it's an affiliate link and I will earn a couple dollars if you order it. It's part of that providing a service piece Oprah talks about in her quote.

[amazon template=image&chan=goalgettingpodcast&asin=0718022076]

I Am Happy When

It hit me that I was most happy when:

I was teaching martial arts classes
I was developing training and training customers on software.
I was attending networking events.
I was helping local businesses grow their business.
I was building my social media presence.
I was creating a podcast ( I started my first podcast in 2004 )
I was working at growing communities that I was involved in.
I was mentoring team members and people that want to better themselves.

I could go on, but I hope you see the pattern developing. I had to sit down and think and start developing my life to do what I loved and provide a service.

Once I realized my calling and set the goal to change careers to do what I love, things started to fall into place. I started my podcast to share the Goal Achievement Success System I put together and teach people how to Get The Goals They Set. I've started working on creating an online course for the same program.

I mentioned in earlier episodes that I recently changed careers to Internal Community Manager for my company. I now get to do everything that I love, teach, mentor, do social media, blog, all rolled into one position. I am even discussing working with our company to incorporate internal podcasts.

What's Your Personal Calling

The truth is, when I graduated high school I wanted to be a Teacher.  I didn't know how to do that. I was told I couldn't afford to go to college by my family. I was told I wasn't college material. I think the most important thing I thought was Teachers don't make too much money. I wanted a career making money.

The other day I was editing a blog from one of our executives. He was sharing his Best Advice I've Ever Received and it was, "Don't do it for the money." I should have learned that earlier in life.  I can do what I want and still make the money. Especially Today!

. . . the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others as a service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.

Great advice from Oprah! What is your Personal Calling?

Sit down and think about about in. Write down the times when you have been the most happy, the most fulfilled, what were you doing at that time?

If you have a hard time figuring it out, let me know. Email me at [email protected] and we can chat.

I'm sorry I've taken this episode longer than I usually do, but I think it's important to understand what Oprah said in the quote and that you understand how important it is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others as a service, then WORK HARD and also allow the energy or the universe lead you. It won't do it for you, but it will lead you and provide opportunities.

Go Out and Discover Yourself! Go Out Today and be a Service to Others.
Go Out and Make Today a Great Day!



Are you a Goal Getter that wants to learn to Master Goal Getting!  We've started a private Facebook Group to have a place for you to meet other like-minded, Goal-Oriented people that will support you and help you Get The Goals You Set.

If you want to be a part of the Goal Getting Masters Group, go to Goal Getting Podcast.com / masters

Sign up and I will add you to the group. Come prepared to participate and share your goals with other Goal Getters.

Thanks for listening to Goal Getting Quote of the Day. If you like this or any of the Quotes, please leave a comment.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

If you like our podcast you can easily go Subscribe to our show on iTunes at


or Subscribe to us on Jabbercast

at GoalGettingPodcast.com/jabbercast

The new Jabbercast App is the best listening experience for podcasts. Check it out.


Please follow us below on your favorite social media channel.  We would love to hear from you there, too. Send us a Tweet, or Instagram Like.

You can connect with us on your favorite by going to GoalGettingPodcast.com / and then Twitter or Facebook, or Instagram

They will easily take you to the social media platforms and make it easy to follow us.

QUICK & EASY - Click here to go leave a review on iTunes

I get a lot of my quotes from great books that I read. And if you like to listen to books on Audio like I do, I put together a deal with Audible to give Goal Getting Podcast listeners a FREE Audiobook of your choice AND a 30 Day Trial of Audible's service to try them out.

Just click the link in the Blue Box to get to the Audible sign up!

Get Your Free Audiobook Here

Hi, I would love to know what you think of the show. Do you enjoy these Quote of the Day segments? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Make Today a Great Day!

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Like our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/GoalGettingPodcast

Follow us on Twitter: Podcast at @GoalsPodcast Tony Woodall, Your Host at @TonyWCMB

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