Bill Rancic

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 Today we continue with the Visualization series of quotes. Visualization is key to being successful in a lot of areas, especially sports. Today's Quote stresses visualization but also another area of Goal Getting that is very important.

Today's quote is:

What I think a lot of great marathon runners do is envision crossing that finish line. Visualization is critical. But for me, I set a lot of little goals along the way to get my mind off that overwhelming goal of 26.2 miles. I know I've got to get to 5, and 12, and 16, and then I celebrate those little victories along the way.               -- Bill Rancic

Bill Rancic is best know from season 1 of The Apprentice where he was the first contestant to ever hear the words, "Your Hired!"

Since then Bill has gone on to do many things. Today he is a Husband and Father, a Restauranteur, an Entrepreneur, a Speaker, TV Host, an Author and Philanthropist. Bill is someone that knows how to set goals.

He also uses a technique that we discuss in the Goal Getting, Don't Just Set'em, Get'em Program. We recommend setting goals that are out of your comfort zone, then breaking them down into smaller, shorter-term goals.

Bill and other marathon runners use visualization to envision themselves crossing the finish line.

Bill goes further in breaking down the 26.2 miles in to smaller goals and then like we teach in Goal Getting, he celebrates the little victories along the way. The step of Rewarding yourself for the small victories is also one of the 9 Steps To Successful Goal Achievement, and discussed in my eBook, which you can sign up for and download for free on the sidebar.

Be like Bill and visualize yourself achieving your goals. Break your long-term goals into smaller goals and when you achieve any of your goals, celebrate them.

 Go out and Make Today A Great Day

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