Sir Richard Branson

I am so glad you are back to listen to us today. If this is your first time listening, Thank you very much for joining us
today. This is the Goal Getting Podcast Quote of the Day. I love to share quotes that mean something to me and or to the
guest that are on my podcast. I ask all of my guests if they have a Quote that Hangs on Their Wall, or one that means
something to them and has helped get them to where they are today.

Today's quote is not from one of my guests, at least not yet. I do hope to have him as a guest one day. So if you know Sir
Richard Branson, please let him know I would love to have him on my podcast, Goal Getting Podcast. He can reach me at ...
OK, OK, just kidding OK, not really, I'm not kidding..

Opportunity Favors The Bold

Sir Richard Branson is one of my favorite Entrepreneurs and businessman. He has turned most of the ideas he has had into amazing businesses and great adventures. He is a great humanitarian, philanthropist and motivator to millions.

I going to give you two great quotes in one today. The first one is really just a statement, but could easily be thought of as a Quote.

Richard Branson said,

Opportunity favours the bold – this is a lesson that I learned early on, and have used to guide the Virgin story."

That is an amazing truth and you can tell that he takes every opportunity he can to be bold and it has paid off for him in most cases. But he will be the first to tell you that all of the opportunities he's tried didn't succeed.

One of his most famous quotes I have seen a lot lately on social media is one that I have learned early on as well. It is one that I have lived by in my own life and career.

Listen to this quote and pay close attention:

"If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes 
– then learn how to do it later!"    -- Richard Branson

The key to what Richard Branson says here is Seize the Opportunity when it comes your way, EVEN IF YOU DON"T KNOW HOW TO
DO IT. You can always learn how to do it later. But, you many not know how to do it, but if it's a great opportunity it may not come your way again. Grab it while it's there and Learn It when you can.

[bctt tweet="If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, Say Yes – then learn how to do it later! -- Richard Branson"]

I worked for Fannie Mae years ago in their warehouse. I had taught myself how to install software on the computers we sold. I was learned how to talk to the people in the software support area. When they asked if I wanted to work in the Software Support Area, I had no idea how to program the software of talk about mortgages. I said Yes! I knew I wanted out of the warehouse and into a higher paying job. I figured I could learn what I needed.

I did.

Then when they sold the company a less than a year later, the new company took only 27 of the 150 staff. I WAS ONE OF THE 27. They didn't take anyone that knew how to train customers on the Software. How to use it or How to program it. They asked who wants to do the training? No one volunteered, BUT ME! I became the Trainer. I had to learn how to teach how to program a software I had just learned how to use. I had to learn how to create training material. I had to learn how to teach people. I taught myself and learned how to do what I needed to do.

Within the next year I had more than doubled my salary I had been making in the warehouse. When I was offered the opportunity to be a consultant a couple of years later! I said Yes. I had no idea how to be a consultant. I knew the software I was consulting on. I knew how to program it, I knew how to troubleshoot it. But I had no clue how to consult on it. I got a few books, read up on how to be a consultant. What was important in software development, etc. I became a consultant charging as much as $200 an Hour.

I went from making $17,000 a year in the warehouse to charging $200 dollars an hour.

I said "Yes", when the amazing opportunity was offered.

So, you should take Richard Branson's advice.

"If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, Say Yes! - then learn how to do it later!"


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