Winston Churchill

Today's quote if from one of the greatest speakers, motivators, authors and statesmen in World History. He was and is an
inspiration to many people over the world. Today, you will learn one of Winston Churchill's famous quotes that resonates
with me. No, this isn't his famous "Never Give Up" speech. That's a classic and I will undoubtedly talk about it one day.

Hello again Goal Getters and welcome back to Goal Getting Podcast and our Goal Getting Quote of the Day.

It's been a week since we start the Quote of the Day, and I am shocked to see the amount of you that seem to like the
show! I would love to hear some of your thoughts and comments on the Quote of the Day.

You are giving me your feedback in the number of downloads that I've had in the last week. I really do appreciate it.
Please share the quotes with the Click to Tweet on the Podcast website at Goal Getting Podcast dot com on the episode shoe
notes. The more you share, the more friends will listen.

I like to ask our guests on the show what quote hangs on their wall. Some have quotes hanging on their wall and other put
them on other things. One of my guests on the podcast is Michael Masangkay. He is also a coworker of mine and he competes
in marathons, triathlons, and other races. He doesn't have a quote on his wall, but he has put his quote on his iPad Mini,
which he carries with him everywhere. You will learn that quote on the Goal Getting Podcast when his episode airs, so come
back and listen to it.


Today's Quote of The Day is:

I like things to happen, and if they don't happen I like to make them happen." - Winston Churchill

Friends, There is such great POWER in that Quote. How many of us like things to happen? How many of want things to
happen, especially good things, to us?

[bctt tweet=""I like things to happen, and if they don't happen I like to make them happen." - Winston Churchill"]


BUT, how many people just sit there WAITING for those things they want to happen to happen? How many people DON'T DO
ANYTHING to make it Happen?


This quote is so powerful because it tells us that Winston Churchill Liked thing to happen but he wasn't about to sit idly
by and WAIT for it to HAPPEN and then do nothing if it doesn't. He By Bloody God "Likes To Make Them Happen"! That's

Do you realize the power YOU have? Not only can you like things to happen, but if they don't happen, YOU can make them

Let's go out and set the goals we want to achieve. Then Let's go out and make them happen! I can do it! You Can Do it!

WE CAN ALL GO OUT AND MAKE IT HAPPEN! Make it Happen today! Are you with me? What are you going to make happen TODAY?

Let me know. Leave me a comment at and TELL ME WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE HAPPEN TODAY!


Thanks for listening and Make it a Great Day.

I would love to know what you think of the show. Do you enjoy these Quote of the Day segments? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Make Today a Great Day!

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