Beau Henderson is The RichLife Guy!

Have you ever felt like you're sleep walking through life and there's supposed to be a whole lot more than what you're actually experiencing?

What about a life that's more than just going to work to pay the bills, a life with plenty of time to do the things you really want to do … actually have time to spend with the people that you love, a life that makes a difference? A life FILLED with PEACE of MIND?

Beau is a friend of mine from Atlanta, Ga. Beau and I were in a BNI (Business Networking International)  chapter together for a couple years where he consistently exhibited the BNI philosophy of "Givers Gain". Beau is a Financial Planner that I have used and recommend to my family and friends.

Beau and I had lunch one day and he was explaining the RichLife to me and how he had been moved to share this message with people.  Since then, Beau has become a successful Author, Speaker and a syndicated Radio Show Host.

He writes and speaks internationally helping people create success with both money and life.

The new release of his best selling book The RichLife - Ten Investments for True Wealth can be found at

What is the RichLife?

The Financial aspect and holistic aspect to true wealth. The mission is to live life with greater meaning. It's thaving a mission bigger than me. It's not what Beau is doing today.


the RichLife - 10 Investments for True Wealth

[amazon template=image&chan=goalgettingpodcast&asin=0768408954]

I love the concept of Take Aways, Action Steps and the Portfolio Builder. This book puts out truly actionable steps to living the RichLife.
Very action step driven. It is important to take action when you set goals. Creating an Action Plan is critical.


Beau provides a Workbook for Action steps in the Book so you don't have to write in your book.
Get your RichLife Action Guide - Click here or the picture below


RichLife Radio

You can catch Beau on the air at WDUN Radio on Saturday mornings  

Quote that Hangs on the Wall
[bctt tweet="The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. -- William James."]


Beau's Recommended Book

The War of Art - Steven Pressfield

You can get The Art of War on audio book at the Audible link below

Words of Wisdom

Do a Mind Shift - Look at Life Like a School - No mistakes only valuable lessons - A lesson will be repeated until it's learned - each time it's repeated, it's going to hurt worse.


Let us know what you think of the show!

Hi, I would love to know what you thought of the show and what you thought of Beau.  Let us know what you think and how you are living the RichLife.

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Beau Henderson is The RichLife Guy!

Have you ever felt like you're sleep walking through life and there's supposed to be a whole lot more than what you're actually experiencing?

What about a life that's more than just going to work to pay the bills, a life with plenty of time to do the things you really want to do … actually have time to spend with the people that you love, a life that makes a difference? A life FILLED with PEACE of MIND?

Beau is a friend of mine from Atlanta, Ga. Beau and I were in a BNI (Business Networking International)  chapter together for a couple years where he consistently exhibited the BNI philosophy of "Givers Gain". Beau is a Financial Planner that I have used and recommend to my family and friends.

Beau and I had lunch one day and he was explaining the RichLife to me and how he had been moved to share this message with people.  Since then, Beau has become a successful Author, Speaker and a syndicated Radio Show Host.

He writes and speaks internationally helping people create success with both money and life.

The new release of his best selling book The RichLife - Ten Investments for True Wealth can be found at

What is the RichLife?

The Financial aspect and holistic aspect to true wealth. The mission is to live life with greater meaning. It's thaving a mission bigger than me. It's not what Beau is doing today.


the RichLife - 10 Investments for True Wealth

[amazon template=image&chan=goalgettingpodcast&asin=0768408954]

I love the concept of Take Aways, Action Steps and the Portfolio Builder. This book puts out truly actionable steps to living the RichLife.Very action step driven. It is important to take action when you set goals. Creating an Action Plan is critical.


Beau provides a Workbook for Action steps in the Book so you don't have to write in your book.Get your RichLife Action Guide - Click here or the picture below

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