Aaron Walker is Living On Purpose

Listen today to learn how you can take your life from Success to Significance and Live On Purpose.

About Aaron T. Walker

Aaron Walker is, without question, a veteran entrepreneur. Starting his first business at 18, and selling to a Fortune 500 company nine short years later, demonstrates Aaron’s passion for success. Unwilling to rest on past success alone, Aaron started, bought, and sold eight successful companies over the past 36 years. Having a strong desire for personal development has kept Aaron in a weekly mastermind group for more than a decade with Dave Ramsey, Dan Miller, Ken Abraham, and seven other notable Nashvillians. Aaron has enjoyed a 35-year marriage with his beautiful wife, Robin. Today, Aaron spends the majority of his time helping men grow in Success and Significance as President and Founder of View from the Top, a premier life and business coaching resource.

Aaron speaks to us about how he built his businesses that he started at 18 into a chain of Pawn Shops and sold them 9 years later to a Fortune 500 Company.

Aaron's Favorite Quote

One of Aaron's favorite quotes hangs on the wall of his home office:

[bctt tweet="Can't couldn't do it. Could did it all! - Nanny Lou (Aaron's Mom)"]


Growing From Success to Significance

When tragedy struck one day on his way to work, Aaron was affected tremendously.  Listen and learn how this tragedy was turned into positive thoughts and a live of giving. It took Aaron's thought from just being a success, to being significant in his life.

He expounds on how this can help you be more successful and build great relationships.


Aaron's Recommended Reading

Aaron is a Christ follower and recommends and reads

The Bible

daily. It offers great wisdom and it is something he looks forward to every morning.

Essentialism by Greg McKeown

Explains how to remove the clutter out our our lives and focus on the things that matter.

[amazon template=image&chan=goalgettingpodcast&asin=0804137382]

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

A timeless classic that will explain how to build lasting relationships.

[amazon template=image&chan=goalgettingpodcast&asin=B003WEAI4E]


[bctt tweet="Fear missing an opportunity more than you fear failure! - Aaron Walker"]

A Gift from Aaron

Aaron has provided the following gifts for the listeners of Goal Getting Podcast. Click on the images below to go to the site to download.

Masterminds Are Important

Aaron recommends finding a mastermind group of like minded people that will help you grow and be your "Trusted Advisers". Aaron offers coaching services as well as a Mastermind Group - Iron Sharpens Iron.

Find out more about Aaron Walker at his website View From The Top!

Let Aaron Know What You Think

Thank you for listening to Aaron Walker and Tony on Goal Getting Podcast. Let us know what you thought of Aaron and Goal Getting Podcast.

If you have a question for Aaron, please ask in the comment section below and we will see that he gets the message. Aaron is a great guy that loves to hear from the podcast listeners.


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