Anabelle grew her membership from zero to forty paying members in less than eight weeks – and during the holiday season! In this on air coaching session, we dive into how to she can continue to grow her membership after a successful launch…in a bit of an unexpected way! If you have a membership, definitely […]

The post Episode 4. On-Air Coaching Call: How Do I Grow My Membership with Anabelle Malcolm appeared first on Jaclyn Mellone || Go-To Gal Podcast.

Anabelle grew her membership from zero to forty paying members in less than eight weeks – and during the holiday season!

In this on air coaching session, we dive into how to she can continue to grow her membership after a successful launch…in a bit of an unexpected way!

If you have a membership, definitely listen! But even if you don’t have a membership yet, or even if you don’t want a membership – there is still so much you can get from our session! In fact – with just a few tweaks- I bet you can apply these strategies to just about any business model!

And one really important-inspiring point- just TWO months ago Anabelle’s whole business was offering done for you services. She was rocking it with her clients, but was really looking for more leverage. I don’t think she even had an email list yet.

We had a coaching call less than 2 months ago and outlined what a one-to-many offer could look like for her. She took and RAN WITH IT! So here we are, just a few weeks later, talking about how to GROW her now live and running membership! How amazing is that?

Who is Anabelle?

Anabelle Malcolm is the founder of UpSprout Studio, a creative studio that can do it all when it comes to setting up female entrepreneurs with a rockin’ website! Specializing in creating cohesive brand identities, compelling copy, and websites that “wow,” Anabelle loves working with women who feel intimidated by all the tech stuff that goes into establishing a professional online home for their businesses. When she’s not attached to her laptop, Anabelle is listening to podcasts or audiobooks, building LEGO sets with her six-year-old son, or bemoaning how long the world has to wait for the final season of Game of Thrones.


When Anabelle first launched, she leveraged her existing relationships and past clients who are already leaders in the MLM space and made them affiliate members.
A lot of her target audience are women who’ve joined one of these MLM companies who probably don’t have much business or sales or marketing experience.
She teaches on how to attract customers and team members, as well as how to write social media posts. Because a lot of times people are just copy and pasting.
Often, we are looking for other things that you can do to grow the membership. But for Jaclyn, she looks at what works historically and thinks of ways to do more of it. She points to the strategy of repeating and scaling success in other ways.
As people within your membership are starting to get some results and some tractions and good feedback, that’s something you can take back to these bigger team groups.
The leaders of these communities are incentivized as affiliates to be promoting their team members to get in there. It’s a win-win.
It’s really a win-win-win because they’re splitting some of the monthly membership with you, but their team members are getting better.
The second focus is getting in front of audiences that appeal to MLM leaders.
Jaclyn’s key element to growing a membership:
Important to remember: you don’t have to have a big following on Instagram. You don’t have to be following on Instagram. You don’t even have to be posting on Instagram.
A lot of people in the MLM space struggle to describe and communicate how they’ve build their brand.


MLM Companies

Beach Body
Rodan and Fields
Red Ribbon

Find Anabelle:


View the transcript: 

The post Episode 4. On-Air Coaching Call: How Do I Grow My Membership with Anabelle Malcolm appeared first on Jaclyn Mellone || Go-To Gal Podcast.