Imagine what your life would be like if you had to walk miles to and from your water source every single day. Wine to Water is an organization focused on bringing water equity to parts of the world where this is the reality. In this episode, we’re joined by Richard Vanderburg, Wine to Waters very own Chief Program Officer. Vanderburg experienced firsthand the sharp dichotomy between the privileged hospitals of Australia and the dramatically underserved conditions in South East Asia. His experience volunteering changed the trajectory of his career forever and he joined Wine to Water to make a real difference. 

Vanderburg took his background in nursing and pivoted to manage health worker engagement and education programs. He  has developed and implemented global strategies for numerous international, non-governmental organizations. You’ll learn more about on the ground disaster relief and how his team prioritizes in such dramatic circumstances. Vanderburg explains  how Wine to Water implements programs that can ultimately be run by the citizens of these countries. If you’re looking for your next volunteer opportunity, this is a great episode for you to tune into! 

Check out the shownotes here!

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