My very first guest in my Launch Series is a woman I truly adore and respect. Nancy Harazduk , M.Ed., MWS, is the Director of the Mind-Body Medicine (MBM) program at my Alma Mater, Georgetown University School of Medicine. She has helped so many med students through the Georgetown’s MBM program, including me. Nancy was my rock through the most turbulent times of med school. So I am forever grateful to her for giving me strength when I didn’t think I had any left. And she’ll be giving you her take on how she defines health. Hope her message awakens something inside your mind to help redefine what health means for you.

Show Notes:

Connect with Nancy Harazduk: Email | Facebook

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Thanks to my intern, the wonderful and smart Amelia Liu, to Jacob Ferrer for their production help, and to StockSounds for the music.  And to YOU!  Thank you for listening!


This podcast is intended for educational purposes only and isn’t medical advice so please talk to your primary physician for that.  In addition, the views and opinions expressed by me are my own and not that of my former, current or future employer. This also applies to my guests.  Finally, we do our best to make every effort to relay correct information, but don’t guarantee its accuracy.  Thank you for listening.

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