Hello. Hello. It is a wonderful day today. Do you feel it? Are you feeling the positive vibes? I know I am today. I wanted to talk to you about letting go, letting go, letting go, letting go of what you may ask, letting go of that tightness, that resistance, that holding on the feeling when you're not sure of something or that I really want this to happen and it's not happening. Uh, frustration holding on to that. I don't know that that stopping the vibes, upping the energy, holding on blocking the energy maybe is a better way to say it. So I know there's a lot of things out there that we are trying to get, trying to improve, and sometimes it can feel tiring and overwhelming and frustrating that it hasn't happened yet. 

Or we haven't received that thing that we've asked for yet. And I'm going to try a new thing. I know this is proven to work. I have not mastered it myself, which is why I'm talking about it right now. But I want you guys to join me in this and let's try it together and see how much better we feel. So we're going to try to just let go, let go of that. A hide, holding that energy and just relax and just go with the flow and just know that we are going in the right direction and that things will line up for us once we let go. 

Right? So it's like, I've heard a story before where you put your canoe in the river to go white river rafting. That's the fun part, right? Is going down the river. Would you ever just tell the river guide, you know what, let's skip the river rafting and take my boat out of the water and put it in a couple of feet before the end. And I just want to get there, right? We all just want to get there. And that would be crazy not to enjoy the ride of the whitewater rafting. So that's what life's about. It's about staying on the river, looking around, having fun with the ride, the ups, the downs, the getting wet, the sunshine, the branches in the way, that's all part of the ride and enjoy the ride that go of that stress. 

Let go of that. I need to accomplish this and it's not here yet. All that pressure you're putting on yourself, let it go and enjoy the ride short, but sweet. I'd love to hear what you think about this. Find me on Instagram or Tik TOK. And let me know @Pincurlgirls is my tag. 

And as always, I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful day and I want you to succeed in everything you dream of. And I am rooting for you and I am in your corner. All right, until next time.

Find me at pincurlgirls.com

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