This is Jen and you are listening to the GIRLBRAVE podcast and I am back, I got braces and it took me a couple of weeks to get used to it. Yeah. So I've just been taking a little bit of a break from the podcast. I really love doing these and I appreciate you for having a listen today. I wanted to talk a bit about expectations. Have you ever been mad at a friend because they didn't notice you had a new haircut or they didn't comment on something after you did it something that you were proud of? You know, you can go down that rabbit hole of just being angry at them for not paying attention. And that can really get away from you. I know I've learned over the years, not to let those sorts of things bother me and it really helped me stay happier. You just don't know what the other person thinking. 

You might think, why aren't they noticing, but they might be going through something else where they aren't noticing, but it's not on purpose. And I think we sometimes take things so personally that we think it's on purpose, that they are missing what we're doing. And so today I just wanted to bring that up because it's really easy to go down that trap. And there've been a couple of things recently that I have done that I feel like I want some recognition for. And when it doesn't come, I don't want to go down that, Hey, I'm mad at you because you didn't recognize this. You just have to choose to go the other way. Just let it go. Try not to think about it. Don't try to analyze why they didn't say anything and just be okay with them not being at that point right now. 

And move on, get back to feeling good about yourself, for the thing that you did accomplish. There are so many people out there that are rooting for you that do see what you're doing and do see your accomplishments, but you can't rest your self-worth on what other people say about you, because that will just end up not being good. And I know it's hard to do when we live in a world of getting so many likes, so many followers, we can't live that way. It will eat you up inside after a while, do what you want to do. Be proud that you did it. Move on to the next thing that you want to do and leave the alkaline bags, leave the like sleeves up. Why didn't they say anything about that behind? And you will feel so much better because you won't be rooting and all that anger about that person. 

Not recognizing that's my 2 cents for today. It's been such a long time since I've been on here. I hope I hope you guys are all good. I love being able to come on to have this platform to come on, to talk to you about certain things. I'd love to hear a little bit more about what you're going through. This, anything that you'd like me to talk about to give you my point of view and, uh, yeah. Let me know what you wanna, what you wanna hear. Leave me a message on my Instagram. It's at Pincurl Girls, or you can email me at Jen at And let me know, check in with me. Let me know that you're listening to this though, to know who you are and that way I can tell the message, uh, more for you. I hope you have a great day and we'll see you next time. 


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