Jen Landis: So before we get into talking about technology, and I know you're into space, which is really cool tell me the first memory, you have of really like thinking technology or coding or space was cool like how old were you and what was that story.

Elsbeth Magilton: So I loved science and technology at a really young age, and then sort of lost it for a while and came back to it but. At a really young age, I was in a group and maybe they still exist, I don't know, but it was called odyssey of the mind or OM. And it was parent lead, but it was this like a national organization and they would give these teams of kids creative challenges, and it was really science, technology and arts.

And I remember having to solve this challenge of like how we put together like 10 minute presentation on something that had to have like a fictional narrative, but we also had to build the set and design the set ourselves and make it mobile, so we could pack it into a certain size box like I don't remember exactly what all the parameters of the challenges were.

But I remember my dad was our leader and there was like four of us were like I don't know fourth graders and just geeky out like I just love that intersection of creativity and language arts with science and technology challenges and definitely definitely caught the bug then.

I did you know I think like a lot of particularly young women, but a lot of young people generally kind of lost my love for stem it a midpoint and then thankfully had some excellent professors in college and got back to it.

Listen in to hear more from Elsbeth, her knowledge fascinates me!

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