Hi there, it's Jen from the GIRLBRAVE podcast. Today on this show we have Gi who is an artist from Nova Scotia, Canada. She won a contest to illustrate the book, Purple Rules, by David Yaygrr, and you'll never guess how she entered her submission. So take a listen and find out here on the go GIRLBRAVE podcast. 

Hello, Gi! How are you today? 

Good. How are you? 

I'm Excellent. Thank you so much for being on the GIRLBRAVE podcast today.

Thank you for having me. You're welcome.

How old are you and where do you live?

Yep. Well, I actually I lived in PEI for a bit but I'm mostly Nova Scotia.

I have a friend that I went to grad school with who's also from Nova Scotia.  

Oh, really? 

Yeah. Yeah. So I know that you won a contest to illustrate a children's book called Purple Rules by David Geyer. How did you first hear about that contest?

I'm afraid it's not a very exciting story. I was literally quite literally just scrolling through Instagram. And I saw an ad. So I just joined and I didn't think too much of it at first, it was a worldwide contest.

What did you think about when you apply? Did you think, Oh, this is not gonna happen? or this could happen? Or maybe I shouldn't be doing this. I'm not good enough. Or I'm going to win it.

I don't know. I mean, it was, I think I was a little I was I was probably, I was bouncing between being very, very confident and being very, very confident. I guess. I'm kind of one of the only one of my peers, I guess that I found that like art, around here, because I live in a very small place with 300 kids from grade primary to grade 12. 

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