"You are not required to shape-shift for belonging; this is not a real rule and you don't have to follow it." Jen Hatmaker

Can you relate to showing up in the world less than you truly are? Can you relate to showing up and taking up an amount of space that you know is not congruent with who you are? If so, you might be a shapeshifter and it simply must stop.

At Girl Out of Order, we believe that NOT fitting in is the PERFECT fit! You should never EVER contort your beautiful self to fit into another's mold. And yet so many women shift their shape in the quest to fit in, to belong. And it is soul killing.

In this episode, we tackle the effects of shape shifting on women - their dreams, their relationships, their jobs. To break this disempowering habit, we must do 3 things:
1. Be viciously honest about how you shift your shape in every single area of your life.
2.  Evaluate what you're putting in your brain, heart and ears.
3. Ask yourself what or WHO needs to go.

At Girl Out of Order, we do not shift our beautiful shape for anyone. We love ourselves well. At Girl Out Of Order, we cultivate the bravery to show up as we are. We inspire one another to be bold to show up and take up space as we are. And then we build bridges among all women, accepting other women as they are and not demanding that they shift their shape for us. Until next time, keep showing up as you are because remember the world needs what only you can give!

**Resource: Check out my girl, Jen Hatmaker at https://jenhatmaker.com/

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