Paul and Dave talk through what happens when you spend some social capital and air your dirty laundry… because Paul did this recently … and so did Dave! What are the risks, what are the rewards, and what are the unintended consequences? Listen as your two favorite weekend warriors chat […]

The post Washing the Dirty Laundry of the Music Business – Gig Gab 137 appeared first on Gig Gab.

Paul and Dave talk through what happens when you spend some social capital and air your dirty laundry… because Paul did this recently … and so did Dave! What are the risks, what are the rewards, and what are the unintended consequences? Listen as your two favorite weekend warriors chat it through!


00:00:00 GigGab 137 – Monday, October 23, 2017
00:00:41 Petty Show
00:02:54 Find a concept, and then don’t oversaturate it!
00:04:27 Building your brand around a meta concept
00:09:14 Promoting your band on Facebook

PK Music on Facebook

00:10:58 Paul’s post about a venue not being cool
00:16:34 Spending social capital
00:18:06 Everybody loves Dirty Laundry. Right?
00:20:25 Just a warning, not a condemnation
00:26:48 Do you need the gig?
00:27:41 Ask for payment structure before the gig
00:30:14 The benefit of the doubt… only goes so far.
00:31:40 Email vs. Voice
00:35:00 Would you play with a musician that took a gig there?
00:38:16 “I don’t do it for the money”
00:38:53 A carefully-measured response
00:40:50 Who should your emotions communicate with?
00:43:47 GG 137 Outtro

The post Washing the Dirty Laundry of the Music Business – Gig Gab 137 appeared first on Gig Gab.