Dissecting different types of working bands, it’s time to look into what makes a band a wedding band. Could your band make the leap? Would you want to? Paul and Dave discuss. Then it’s on to finalizing the process for Paul’s drummer auditions, including how much the band should talk […]

The post The Grandma Factor – Gig Gab 136 appeared first on Gig Gab.

Dissecting different types of working bands, it’s time to look into what makes a band a wedding band. Could your band make the leap? Would you want to? Paul and Dave discuss. Then it’s on to finalizing the process for Paul’s drummer auditions, including how much the band should talk about the process during the process. All of this … and more… on this week’s Gig Gab!


00:00:00 Gig Gab 136 – Monday, October 16, 2017
00:01:01 Cover Band Central
00:02:17 Watching your own band!

Steve Siacotos on Gig Gab

00:06:38 At weddings… it’s not about you!
00:08:09 The Sweet Caroline response has permeated
00:08:46 The Grandma Factor
00:10:31 Managing the volume of wedding gigs
00:13:57 Recognizing how great your band is
00:16:00 Bruno Mars
00:19:03 Dissecting the boys club vibe
00:26:10 It’s not the wedding band’s job to be clever
00:29:01 Petty tributes explode!
00:31:09 Dead Guy Tunes
00:32:30 Organizing a Petty tribute
00:35:32 Houserocker drummer auditions coming up!

The American Girl Litmus Test

00:37:13 Do you dissect during the audition process?
00:44:37 GG Outtro

The post The Grandma Factor – Gig Gab 136 appeared first on Gig Gab.