Paul and Dave take on the important – and highly-sensitive – subject of what makes a real artist. Are you in it for the money? Does that matter? What message does it send to your fellow musicians and community if you communicate that message publicly? Paul and Dave discuss. Then a […]

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Paul and Dave take on the important – and highly-sensitive – subject of what makes a real artist. Are you in it for the money? Does that matter? What message does it send to your fellow musicians and community if you communicate that message publicly? Paul and Dave discuss. Then a related discussion: what is the definition of a professional musician? That one gets discussed, too, by your two favorite weekend warriors on this week’s Gig Gab. Press Play… and enjoy!


00:00:00 GigGab 138 – Monday, October 30, 2017
00:01:06 Under-rehearsing as a function of logistics!
00:06:23 Recreating those 80s sounds

How much of the original tune really matters?

00:07:29 I’m not in it for the money!
00:10:09 There’s always someone that wants the money for your gig
00:13:23 Earning money for a gig is a responsibility
00:15:26 Is a starving artist more of an artist than one who succeeds?
00:20:32 FB-Richard-When are you a “pro” musician?

Definitions: Artistic Professional vs. Financial Professional

00:25:27 GG 138 Outtro

The post Are You In It For The Money? – Gig Gab Podcast 138 appeared first on Gig Gab.