When it comes to being a singer, pitch is fundamental to doing it right. But that’s not all there is, and your two Weekend Warriors (and still-working-at-it-every-day singers!) talk through their respective journeys of gaining confidence and functionality in front of the microphone. But first, it’s time to talk about […]

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When it comes to being a singer, pitch is fundamental to doing it right. But that’s not all there is, and your two Weekend Warriors (and still-working-at-it-every-day singers!) talk through their respective journeys of gaining confidence and functionality in front of the microphone. But first, it’s time to talk about making music your life. It’s like two episodes in one, and Paul and Dave share their thoughts about making a living primarily through music. Could you bring yourself to do it? Listen in and cogitate while your two music geeks talk, then share your thoughts in the comments below or send an email to [email protected] – Always be performing, folks!


00:00:00 Gig Gab 143 – Monday, December 4, 2017
00:02:46 Market Minimums

Tommy Castro’s “Nasty Habits”

00:06:40 Willie K
00:09:17 What can a fulltime musician make?

Willie K’s Contact Page
Mountain Winery
Kenny Aronoff Gig Gab Interview

00:16:54 Making Music Your Life
00:20:13 Roger McNmee

Flying Other Brothers
Robert Berry GigGab Interview

00:24:44 The Semi-Professional Vocalist
00:28:21 It’s not fun to look at yourself in the mirror

Vocal mechanics

00:30:28 Copy-cat singers
00:32:13 The path to becoming a proficient vocalist
00:34:10 Learning Pitch
00:37:00 Taking Lessons
00:40:43 Focus on the mechanics…but at the right time!
00:42:41 Good harmonies taste good!
00:43:30 Expression matters

Pitch is non-negotiable

00:46:17 GG 143 Outtro

The post Pitch is Non-Negotiable – Gig Gab Podcast 143 appeared first on Gig Gab.