Your band is too loud. Ever heard that before? You’ve probably heard it at every type of gig imaginable. Is it your fault? Yes, it’s yours. Not just you, but not just your band, either. Yep, it’s time… Paul and Dave have The Volume Conversation. Are they honest enough? Only […]

The post Let’s Have The Volume Conversation – Gig Gab Podcast 142 appeared first on Gig Gab.

Your band is too loud. Ever heard that before? You’ve probably heard it at every type of gig imaginable. Is it your fault? Yes, it’s yours. Not just you, but not just your band, either. Yep, it’s time… Paul and Dave have The Volume Conversation. Are they honest enough? Only you can be the judge! Listen, learn, and then let ’em have it. Email [email protected] to let them know what you think!


00:00:00 Gig Gab 142 – Wednesday, November 29, 2017
00:01:10 Mystical, Mysterious, Ethereal Conceptual Talk About Volume

“I’m a drummer and therefore I’m guilty”
“I’m a guitar player and therefore I’m accused”

00:03:14 Inside vs. Outside
00:04:09 Getting your sound before the gig starts

Drummers! Experiment with loosening your snares

00:06:43 Get underneath the vocals
00:08:18 Balancing with everyone else on stage
00:10:03 Learn how to engineer your band
00:13:01 Starting the night the right way
00:17:25 Listen to the stage
00:19:23 Retrain yourself!
00:20:43 Drummers and self-awareness
00:22:37 When the drummer can be your friend
00:26:04 Learn how your instrument needs to fit inside the mix
00:30:25 Volume is a multi-headed monster
00:32:40 GG 142 Outtro

The post Let’s Have The Volume Conversation – Gig Gab Podcast 142 appeared first on Gig Gab.