New sound for your band, new thoughts from your band members, even new sound for the show. Yep, the theme for this episode is, most undoubtedly, Listen and Learn. First we share a comment about getting sound on stage just right and – no surprise here – it’s all about listening. […]

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New sound for your band, new thoughts from your band members, even new sound for the show. Yep, the theme for this episode is, most undoubtedly, Listen and Learn.

First we share a comment about getting sound on stage just right and – no surprise here – it’s all about listening. Then we talk through Paul’s drummer replacement process. There was a message loud and clear there, too. Dave shares a lesson about listening to his fellow band members, and realizing that you’re not always hearing what you think you’re hearing!

Lastly, but not leastly, there’s new sound for the podcast itself, too… and some mid-show tweaks are necessary to dial it in. It’s ALL about listening, including Paul’s dog who has something to say, as well.

Download, press play and – you guessed it – Listen and Learn!


00:00:00 Gig Gab 144 – Monday, December 11, 2017
00:01:37 Andy-Gig Gab 142-Regarding Volume
00:07:40 The goal of good sound is to be able to have instrument
00:14:18 Bryan-Have the drummer auditions happened?
00:18:04 The audition prep process from the band’s perspective

“Somewhere between pissed and frustrated”

00:23:10 “Am I the right guy?”
00:27:52 Learning how to listen to your fellow bandmates
00:32:37 Exercises in communication
00:37:54 What do you love?
00:38:44 Paul’s Local Musicians Hangout!
00:40:57 GG Outtro

The post Listen and Learn – Gig Gab Podcast 144 appeared first on Gig Gab.