Sometimes that person in the crowd that wants to sit-in can be awesome… sometimes they can be awFUL. How do you tell which it’s going to be? Listen to Paul and Dave share some war stories and advice. Then it’s on to answering a question about Facebook and marketing and […]

The post Crowd (Over-)Participation & Marketing Your Band – Gig Gab Podcast 145 appeared first on Gig Gab.

Sometimes that person in the crowd that wants to sit-in can be awesome… sometimes they can be awFUL. How do you tell which it’s going to be? Listen to Paul and Dave share some war stories and advice. Then it’s on to answering a question about Facebook and marketing and more. And, in the middle, Dave talks about a new toy for drummers who want to add some sounds and feels to their acoustic kits. Press play, download, and enjoy! Always be performing!


00:00:00 Gig Gab 145 – Monday, December 18, 2017
00:01:03 Christmas Eve Gigs… and Christmas Gigs!
00:03:29 Full drums in a duo!
00:05:59 Sound guy in the crowd
00:07:42 Letting someone else on stage
00:09:25 The style of a sit-in
00:13:20 Two musicians connecting
00:14:54 Don’t change out the drummer mid-gig
00:17:26 “Never ‘Eff’ With a Winning Streak”
00:18:25 Sit-ins are a social construct
00:21:37 Yamaha EAD10 & DT50S
00:28:11 Lewis-The value of Facebook vs Mailing Lists

“Marketing is all about getting impressions in front of people’s eyes”

00:37:33 Coasters with your band name
00:40:49 Learn to focus your marketing
00:47:25 Controlling your marketing destiny
00:57:37 GG 145 Outtro

The post Crowd (Over-)Participation & Marketing Your Band – Gig Gab Podcast 145 appeared first on Gig Gab.