Making a customer feel special is where it’s at. Think about your experience from the customer end. Most of the time when you buy something, in a retail shop for sure but also online, it’s a one and done transaction. You make the purchase, get a thank you or a confirmation of the order being received … and that’s it. No further communication and if there is any – it’s probably a bounceback discount to place another order.

Don’t get me wrong that additional discount is great – but it’s very sterile and transaction oriented. There’s no connection being formed between you and that business. Any sales after that are going to be initiated by you (the customer) IF you feel so great about the product that you want more, or you remember that company name when it’s time to buy a gift.

Think now of yourself as a business owner - that’s leaving a lot up to chance. What if, you could control this interaction in a better way? How about changing the sale from being solely a business transaction into a warm friendly interaction that could lead down the road to a mutually supportive relationship?

This is what you do when you make your customer the star. When you add an emotional layer to your customer interactions that make them feel seen, special and important. By prompting these feelings, your customers will move from purchasers to supporters and this leads to long term growth for your business. Let’s talk about how to do this.

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Making a customer feel special is where it’s at. Think about your experience from the customer end. Most of the time when you buy something, in a retail shop for sure but also online, it’s a one and done transaction. You make the purchase, get a thank you or a confirmation of the order being received … and that’s it. No further communication and if there is any – it’s probably a bounceback discount to place another order.

Don’t get me wrong that additional discount is great – but it’s very sterile and transaction oriented. There’s no connection being formed between you and that business. Any sales after that are going to be initiated by you (the customer) IF you feel so great about the product that you want more, or you remember that company name when it’s time to buy a gift.

Think now of yourself as a business owner - that’s leaving a lot up to chance. What if, you could control this interaction in a better way? How about changing the sale from being solely a business transaction into a warm friendly interaction that could lead down the road to a mutually supportive relationship?

This is what you do when you make your customer the star. When you add an emotional layer to your customer interactions that make them feel seen, special and important. By prompting these feelings, your customers will move from purchasers to supporters and this leads to long term growth for your business. Let’s talk about how to do this.

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